About the Author

agmara is a Montreal-based mother of two, who is committed to children’s education and emotional well-being. Born in Poland, and living in Canada, Dagmara Sitek wears many hats—a mom, a wife, and a digital marketer in her 9-to-5 world.
Once a kid who loved drawing and writing, Dagmara Sitek never thought about writing a ‘real book’ until now.  She jumped into writing children’s books because she realized something important – not all kids get a fair shot at life. Her debut as an author merges childhood passions with a new mission – to bring hope and awareness to children’s struggles.

“Loris Opens Up His Heart” by Dagmara Sitek was inspired by the tragic story of 8-year-old Kamilek from Czestochowa, who died due to mistreatment by his stepfather. It is a testament to the power of empathy and compassion. It models positive interactions and helps kids put themselves in someone else’s shoes. More importantly, it encourages them to help one another and overcome fears. 

About the Illustrator

au Frank  is a 21-year-old illustrator and author of children’s books from Aarhus, Denmark. He’s been drawing forever and dropped out of high school to turn his art passion into full-time work on February 8, 2021. When Lau’s not bringing stories to life with his illustrations, you’ll find him taking leisurely walks, and getting in those workouts. He’s already worked on over 30 books, including three children’s book series he wrote and illustrated for Tellerup.

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